Monday, February 2, 2009

Then and Now

My dearest baby grandson has come so far in his short 17 months. The old cliche " What a difference a day makes" is so true. Just 2 months or so ago he had aonther surgery and casts on his little legs. Today they are "all done" as Jamie says and he has shoes and is trying to walk. We always wondered if we would ever get to the point in time where we would see Jamie walk like any other 17 month old. Well I'm sharing pictures of him "then and now" Look out world here he comes!!!


JoAnne said...

Hooray!! You go Jamie!!

lorrie said...

Marie he is so precious and I know you are enjoying him more and more each day. I almost picked the same layout today...I love that little owl.

Pam Sivage said...

He is such a cutie pie, but batten down the hatches when he gets those little feet going! It is so amazing how far he has come and what a sweet attitude he has:)